One time he told me he couldn't look because they would see him. There are certain cartoon characters and television shows he loves but he won't look directly at a picture of them in a book (he'll only look out of the corner of his eye). My son will also start giggling or smiling out of the blue and if I look at him he'll tell me "Don't ask me".

I wish you could publish some tips other parents could use to gain insight into their Autistic children's "puzzling behavior". He is now very verbal but he cannot explain to me why he wants things a certain way or why certain things bother him. At times I think I may be over analyzing it. I have tried to look at my son's particular ways of thinking and some of it is very difficult for me to understand. I was wondering how you were able to gain such insight into your daughter's way of thinking. First of all I want to tell you how much I enjoyed both of your books. Park, I am the mother of an eight-year-old son diagnosed as High Functioning Autistic. Unfortunately, many parents intrude on their children at this young age with no effect on their outcome. It is unlikely that your response caused your son's autism.

However, autism does run in families in which someone has a clinical depression or Bipolar disorder (manic-depression). Winnega: Postpartum depression has not been shown to be a cause of autism. Is it possible my depression and lack of affection those first few months of his life (approximately 6 months) affected his diagnosis?ĭr. I have a baby daughter now and I shower her with hugs and kisses. I was so unhappy and distracted that his passive and quiet nature made it easy to ignore him and allow him to isolate himself. Primarily because I had postpartum depression which went untreated. As I think back on his infancy I feel like I did not hold him or cuddle him enough. Viewer Question: My son was diagnosed this year with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) and the news was a huge blow to our family. Marrea Winnega, Ph.D, Director of the University of Chicago Developmental Disorders Clinic and clinical psychologist with specialties in autism spectrum disorders Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Founder of the Autism Society of America, pioneering research psychologist in the field of autism diagnosis and treatment and parentĬlara Claiborne Park, Parent and author of "The Siege: A Family's Journey into the World of an Autistic Child" and " Exiting Nirvana: A Daughter's Life with Autism"ĭr.